Best selling author
Reverend Sheila Black
Sheila’s Story
I have been spiritual my entire life and knew from deep within my being that there was a lot more to life than what we experience here on the earth plane. I feel that when you lose someone close to you that you start to look at life a bit differently.
My father passed on to spirit in 2001 and he continues to be one of my strongest spirit guides. My mother passed away in 2009. A few weeks after she transitioned, I saw her in my bathroom mirror and felt her hand on my shoulder. I had such tears of joy knowing that I could still continue to connect with her.
That was a pivotal point in my life, a time when I knew that I had found my life purpose. I wanted to develop my medium ship abilities so that I could provide the same healing to others as what I experienced that day.
How my Journey Began...
Soon after my mother passed away, I went to my first Spiritualist Church of Canada (SCC) church service and I was hooked! It felt like home. A great sense of community and a shared belief in Life after Death and all things Spiritual.
I studied with the SCC and became a registered medium, a certified healer and a Speaker within two years. In three more years of study I was ordained as a Spiritualist Minister with the SCC. I also concurrently went to the Fellowships of the Spirit (FOTS) to take their two year program and was also ordained as Minister there in Lily Dale New York. The practical theory of the SCC worked very well with the hands on learning with many well known and top notch healers and mediums at FOTS.
I continue to Serve Spirit at the SCC churches in Ontario by providing Healing, Talks on Spiritualism as well as Mediumship (uplifting messages from family and friends in spirit) to the congregation. I am a past director on the Board with the SCC and currently on the Board with the Georgetown ON Healing Spirit congregation.
I started hosting a home developmental circle in 2012, as well as started teaching Spiritual Development classes. . I do believe that we all have the ability; we just need the desire to develop it. It is not unlike playing a piano. Some find it easier than others but with practice you can play.
It continues to give me great joy to see my students empower themselves by being able to learn to connect with their own loved ones and guides from Spirit.
I have worked as a manager in the Corporate world for 30 years which provided me experience in training and developed my leadership skills.
I love to officiate Weddings and to be a part of such a special day for the couple. As a Spiritualist Minister I feel I can offer non traditional, memorable and affordable services to my clients.
I am also connected to Mother Earth energies and have studied and participated in many Native American teachings and ceremonies. I am not Indigenous myself but have a huge respect for their culture.
I know I will always study to further develop my skills and trust that Spirit will lead me to where I need to be, at the right time and place, for my highest and best, for the rest of my time while here on the earth plane.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope it resonates with you.
Much love and blessings,
Reverend Sheila Black